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(CANCELLED) 七個蘿蔔一個坑 We Are Family
Sunday, February 11th, 2024 PST
Online sale ends: 02/11/24 at 10:00pm PST
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
188 Campus Drive
Arcadia, CA 91007
-= series =-
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熱烈歡迎您與家人一同前來觀賞, 無論您是老華僑、新移民、大人還是小朋友,這部充滿生活趣味的華人喜劇,必定讓您開懷大笑。 演員陣容強大,喜劇泰斗方芳,攜手洛杉磯一流演員,共同演繹了一齣來自不同地方的華人,在美國生活的故事,將帶給您感動、悲情、歡樂、衝突的豐富體驗。 故事圍繞著一位神經質的房東董娘,和六位來自不同地方的房客,他們共同生活在一起;在董娘強勢的態度,和不平等的租房協議下,眾房客忍無可忍,他們為了維護自己作為房客的權力,群起激憤,努力抗爭。
艾美美一心想嫁老外,卻始終未能引起老外查理的興趣,反而引起查理對富曉曉的垂涎,展現對中華文化的獨特見解。 樂淘淘則是透過好奇、愛挖掘真相和喜歡吃零食的方式,捕捉了這些微妙的情感變化。 故事也涉及大廚師老黑,為了有朝一日,將已故結拜兄弟的骨灰帶回家鄉,所以暫時將骨灰功奉在櫃子上;卻不料碰到完全搞不清楚狀況的老外查理,引發了一系列 的戲劇性情節。 一日,董娘下達動員令,全體房客要招待艾美美的老闆史提夫,關係著艾美美是否能拿到工作綠卡。 這重要的宴客環節,卻在房客們嘻鬧之下,讓緊張氣氛一度爆發,一系列的活動影響到艾美美能不能拿到工作綠卡,順利留在美國。 在這個屋子裡,六個房客、一個房東,每個人都有不同的背景和心事,生活中發生了許多爆笑瘋狂的情節,反映出華人在美國生活的點滴、爆笑的情境、感人的對白以及荒誕 的諷刺寓意。 正所謂一個蘿蔔一個坑,這七個來自四面八方,五湖四海,不同性格特性的人,一起住在這房子裡,就像『七個蘿蔔一個坑』We Are Family。

In a suburban neighborhood, a hilarious landlady Mrs. Dong and her six tenants reside in a big house. With Dong’s unfair lease contract requirement, the tenants must assemble every morning and follow her lead in her daily exercise routine. The tenants are bored of Dong’s music and fight for their rights and freedoms. Mei is eager to marry an American to legalize her status in the States. She tries to seduce Charlie but never succeeds. Charlie is actually attracted to Xiao and tries to show off his bilingual skills to draw his attention. Tao is a glutton who is always curious for others’ secrets. Hua is always busy experimenting different professions. Sometimes she is a fire fighter and sometimes a news reporter...etc. Hei is haunted by his sworn brother Bai’s death. They came from the same hometown in China and worked in the same restaurant together. But Bai passed away several years ago. Hei keeps his cinerary urn and promises he will bring Bai back home. In order to help Mei to get her promotion, they invite Mei’s boss Steven to their house for dinner. Hei is in charge of the food while Xiao plans for games and entertainment. The rest of the house diligently practice a dance. But Steven does not appreciate Hei’s exotic dishes and the party goes astray...

“One radish one pit” is an old Chinese slang. These 7 came from different places with different backgrounds, love and care one another like a family. The 7 house residents are “7 radishes in one pit”.

Items Not Allowed
No food or drink. No refunds, no exchanges.

Presented By

Event starts at 7:30pm
Doors open at 7:00pm

Front Orchestra: $150.00
Mid Orchestra: $100.00
Rear Orchestra: $80.00
Side Balcony: $40.00
Front Balcony: $60.00
VIP: $180.00
Center Balcony: $50.00

Arcadia Performing Arts Center<br> 188 Campus Drive<br> Arcadia, 91007



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